How to Throw a Slider

Photo Credit: Joe Camporeale-USA TODAY Sports


April 3, 2024

Introduction: Perfecting the Art of Pitching with Costello Coaching

At Costello Coaching, led by Tommy Costello, we're committed to helping pitchers refine their skills and master the art of pitching. The slider, a complex yet highly effective pitch, is a focus of our advanced training techniques. In this detailed guide, we reveal the secrets to throwing a slider that confounds batters and enhances your pitching prowess.

Understanding the Slider: A Costello Coaching Perspective

The slider, known for its deceptive sideways and downward movement, is a crucial pitch in any elite pitcher's repertoire. At Costello Coaching, we emphasize the importance of mastering this pitch to diversify your skills and keep batters guessing.

The Costello Method: Gripping the Slider

Tommy Costello's unique approach to gripping the slider sets the foundation for its effectiveness. Hold the ball slightly off-center from a two-seam fastball grip, with your middle finger along the seam. This Costello-specific grip is crucial for the slider's distinctive movement.

Step-by-Step: The Costello Coaching Technique

  1. Grip Mastery: Position your fingers as Tommy Costello advises, ensuring a balance between firmness and flexibility.
  2. The Costello Release: Focus on a unique 'drawing down the curtain' motion, a signature technique taught at Costello Coaching, to generate the slider's trademark spin.

Common Pitfalls and the Costello Coaching Solution

  • Avoiding the Hanging Slider: Tommy Costello's training focuses on maintaining fastball velocity to prevent predictable, slow sliders.
  • Correcting Spin Issues: Through specialized drills, Costello Coaching addresses common spin problems, ensuring the slider moves as intended.

Costello Coaching Drills for Slider Mastery

  • Dry Throws: Tommy Costello recommends practicing arm movements without releasing the ball, focusing on the nuances of the grip and release.
  • Short Toss: A unique drill, where you start close to your target and progressively move back, fine-tuning your grip and release technique.

The Costello Coaching Philosophy: True Slider vs. Slurve/Sweeper

Understand the difference between a true slider and variations like the slurve or sweeper. The Costello method emphasizes the importance of a sharp, late-breaking slider, distinct from slower, sweeping pitches.

FAQs Addressed by Tommy Costello

  • Arm Health: Tommy Costello emphasizes correct technique to minimize strain.
  • Identifying a Quality Slider: Sharp, lateral, and downward movements are key indicators of a well-executed slider.
  • Slider Grip for Younger Athletes: Costello Coaching advocates for a modified three-finger grip for younger players.

Join the Costello Coaching Community

Enhance your pitching skills with personalized advice and professional analysis from Tommy Costello and his team. By joining our community, you gain access to exclusive training content, video analysis, and expert feedback designed to transform your pitching capabilities.

Conclusion: Elevate Your Game with Costello Coaching

Mastering the slider is a journey of dedication and skill. Under the guidance of Tommy Costello and the unique methodologies of Costello Coaching, you're not just learning to throw a pitch; you're elevating your entire game.

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