60 Days to a 6-Pack


Sports Performance Coach
Sports Performance Coach
Results may vary based on factors such as individual commitment, genetics, and starting fitness level. If you're not satisfied with your progress, our expert trainers are available to offer additional support and guidance.
Consult your healthcare professional before starting any new exercise program, especially if you have an existing injury or medical condition.
No special equipment is required. Most exercises can be performed using your body weight or common household items. However, having access to basic gym equipment can provide additional benefits.
Yes! The 6-Pack in 60 Days Training Program is designed for individuals of all fitness levels. Beginners can start with modified exercises and gradually progress to more advanced movements.
Don't worry the first 60 days would build muscle in your core and help you lose fat from eating properly.
Each workout takes about 15-20 minutes long each day.
No but always a good idea to include supplements in your diet.