8 Weeks to a faster 60

Unlock Your Full Speed Potential with Our Comprehensive 8-Week Program. Are you an athlete looking to improve your 60-yard dash time? Our 8 Weeks to a Faster 60-Yard Dash Time program is designed for you! This fully comprehensive program combines speed programming, strength training, mobility exercises, and speed instruction to help you optimize your speed and performance on the field.



*$175 for the initial 3-month access to the program, followed by a $25 monthly subscription to maintain access.

Tommy Costello

Sports Performance Coach

Program Features

  • 8-week program: Our program is structured over eight weeks, with each week featuring targeted exercises and drills to improve your speed and performance in the 60-yard dash progressively.
  • Speed Programming: Our program includes a carefully curated speed programming regimen to help you improve your acceleration, top-end speed, and overall sprinting technique.
  • Strength Training: Our program also includes a strength training component to help you build the necessary muscle and power for faster sprints.
  • Mobility Exercises: We provide specific exercises to enhance your mobility and flexibility, helping you achieve a more efficient and explosive sprinting motion.
  • Speed Instruction: Our program includes instructional materials on sprinting technique, form, and strategy to help you optimize your performance in the 60-yard dash.
  • One-time purchase with monthly maintenance: You will make a one-time purchase of $175 for 3-month access to the program. After the initial 3 months, you can purchase a $25 monthly subscription to maintain access to the app.
  • Suitable for all skill levels: Whether you're a beginner or an advanced athlete, our program is designed to accommodate athletes of all levels, helping you reach your full-speed potential.

Customer Reviews:

"I saw significant improvements in my 60-yard dash time after completing this program. The combination of speed programming, strength training, and mobility exercises really helped me optimize my performance on the field. In the first week of working on this program, my 60 times dropped 3 tenths of a second." - Mason, High School Baseball Player
"This program has been a game-changer for me. The comprehensive approach to improving my speed and performance has helped me excel in my sport. Highly recommend it!" - Sam, Soccer Player (Chicago Stars)

Costello Coaching App


How do I work my running form without you?

All video demos explain the form and you have access to message me for further explanation.

What equipment is required?

A field to run 100 yards on and a typical commercial gym for the strength training component.

Is this smart to do in a season?

This can be done at any time in the calendar year.